Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled the following list of Frequently Asked Questions about GRTU to help fully understand how the organization functions.

There’s trout fishing in Texas?

Yes. Both GRTU and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) stock the Guadalupe River with trout during the winter season. GRTU generally has two stockings and puts approximately 16,000 lbs. of trout into the river annually.

TPWD also stocks numerous Texas rivers with trout, check their website for more information.

How do I join GRTU?

GRTU is a Texas based chapter of the national organization Trout Unlimited (TU). When you join Trout Unlimited you will be assigned automatically to a local TU chapter. If you live anywhere in Texas you will be assigned to GRTU. Click below to join TU and GRTU.


Learn More About Becoming a Member of TU & GRTU

What are the benefits of joining TU and GRTU?

Both TU and GRTU are conservation organizations focused on protecting cold-water fisheries. Membership fees support conservation efforts including direct river and wildlife protection efforts, advocating for conservation legislation, and education. TU members receive a quarterly edition of Trout magazine which will keep you abreast of national TU news and efforts. If you fish for trout and/or believe in conserving our cold-water resources, you should join TU.

What specific things does GRTU to support conservation and education?

A lot actually. On the conservation front, GRTU funds grants through our Coldwater Conservation Grant Program which funds boots on the ground efforts across the country, and we conduct and support local river clean ups. We also support Trout in the Classroom, Youth Trout Camp, TU Teen Summit, and the GRTU Tomorrow Fund. Our member engagement and fundraising event, Troutfest TX has grown to become one of the largest, and most respected conservation and fly fishing events in the country.

What is the best way to fish the Guadalupe River for trout?

The trout fishing season for the Guadalupe is focused on the winter months, and there are essentially two ways to fish the Guadalupe. One is to hire a local guide for a float trip, the other is to wade fish the river. Local guides run trout fishing trips throughout the winter and a quick google search or trip to a local fly shop can get you in touch with a local guide. To wade the river, GRTU offers a Lease Access Program (LAP). The LAP offers parking and river access for wade fishing for up to 1,000 GRTU members. You must be a GRTU member to join the program. The LAP is promoted on our social channels and website. Learn more about the LAP including rules, processes, registration information and timing here. Also, if you do plan to wade the Guadalupe, please read about safe wading here.

How can I help support GRTU?

Great question. GRTU can always use financial support to help fund our conservation, education, and engagement efforts. To contribute to GRTU, click here. We also welcome volunteers to help support our efforts. If you are interested in being a volunteer for GRTU, click here to review the GRTU committees and contacts that may need support. With Troutfest TX right around the corner, we have a special volunteer link for the event that you can access here.


Protecting, reconnecting, restoring and sustaining our cold water fisheries. It’s what we are here to do.


Our lease access program allows members access to fish the Guadalupe River at 14 private locations.


Engaging our young people in river ecology, conservation and fly fishing with an expert hosted parent/child weekend on the river.

Lease Access Program (LAP)
NEW SEASON 2024-2025
Sign Up Process begins!
Deadline is July 31st!